Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Glazed mugs

Village Grind Mug
Spent some time yesterday glazing mugs for the Village Grind.  I mostly did some basic glazing with one or two colors, but also had fun making a couple striped mugs and this floral one.

Friday, January 11, 2013

After many false starts, I am finally going to start blogging.  For the last few years, I have been very on and off with my pottery.  I let it get pushed to the bottom of the list.  My promise to myself with the new year is to make pottery time a priority.  Maybe not first priority, as my kids will always take that spot, but it will take priority over the never ending laundry waiting to be done and the housework that I always make myself finish before allowing myself to do pottery.  I have a bit more incentive now because I am actually making some money doing pottery.  I have started teaching pottery classes at a local art studio and I have been making mugs for the local coffee shop.  While neither of these endeavors make enough money to live on, the fact that I get paid to make pottery has allowed me to give myself permission to fit some clay time into each day.  I cannot get over how much I got accomplished this week alone.  So, with more clay time, I will actually have more to blog about.  I think I have had this blog for two years and have not really used it this whole time. More to come....I promised myself!